Monday, January 19, 2009

So everything is going great here I am settling into my classes fine though now that I'm doing my service at Special Olympics my schedule is totally full and I don't have time for much between classes, service, and HW. But its all good. This weekend we went to Mindo which was amazing! We were hiking for 5hours in the middle of the cloud forest which is not much different from what you would think a rain forest looks like, its just in the middle of a mountain range. We were without a guide which made it so much cooler but we really had no idea if we were going the right way, but we eventually made it and the waterfalls we were looking for were amazing. The hike was pretty difficult because it was steep and full of mud and only about 1 foot wide so we all walked single file. After we came out of the forest there was a little BBQ and i bought a plate of chicken and potatoes (meal sized) for only $1. So good. The hostel we stayed in was $5 a night though because of the view area and ambiance it would have cost $100 in the US. A really good trip in general and I'm getting impatient for the next. Hope all is well at home! Ill put up the pictures when I can


  1. Hi Patrick, It is wonderful to be able to read of your adventures! Sounds fantastic...the weather here in Mass. is a brisk 27.5 degrees today and it seems to snow every other not a lot of sun to boot. Any Ecuadorian gossip on the Obama inauguration? Do they care? How is the food? Are there any big bugs that you have to deal with? Are you dreaming in Spanish yet? (I just thought of a great dream, in spanish of course, of Obama and you eating chicken and being chased by big bugs!) Nothing to new here - Phil's son is building us a new garage with a workshop along side and a "studio" on top. Today we are going to Boston late in day, will spend the night and perhaps see Leigh. Phil has a few appointments tomorrow. Today is Auntie Kathleen's bday - left her a message - musical off key telegram! Keep writing! Let us know if you need anything! With much affection, Maureen

  2. Hey Auntie Maureen, Yea the Ecuadorians are obsessed with information about Obama, everyone I meet wants to ask me about Obama, what I think about him, what US citizens think and whats going to happen. Unfortunately Rafael Correa, the president of Ecuador wasn't invited, but it was for the best because there were mass pretests yesterday against a new mining law that will open areas up to TNCs for all over the world. The Indigenous were up in arms and set up road blocks and protests all over the country... it was awesome. Hope all is well there, take care!

  3. Your blog is SO much cooler than mine!
