So this weekend we decided to stay close to home and only took a Saturday trip. After much deliberation and watching Eddie Murphy and Asineal Hall’s “Coming to America” we decided on Cotocatchi; a small indigenous town just outside Otavalo. As a side note DVDs here are all pirated and there are done extremely well and extremely cheep. SO well they even make sure to copy the anti-pirating at the beginning of the movie! Most movie stores sell their movies from $1.50-2. Pretty good! So we set out at about 9am yesterday on an amazing drive North on the Pan-American Highway that passes through a number of Countries on the West Cost of S. America.
The drives here are beautiful and the bus rides are worth so much more than they charge, (which is generally $1 an hour,) You would have to pay 40 or 50 or even more in the US to see the kind of landscapes, colors, plants, towns and people. We arrived in Otavalo, got some lunch and pie all amounting to $6.50 (large helpings) and we started looking for a cab to Cotacachi a 15 min ride. On the way we saw t
A whole street devoted to pissing off green peace and animal rights activists! They made everything you could make out of leather and much much more and though the deals were unbeatable, I r
On a side not a number of us were featured in the last Universidad de San Francisco de Quito news paper in an article labeled “Tan cerca pero tan lejos” (so close yet so far) The article describes the distance between USFQ nationals and us gringos, but as you can see in the picture most of the blame is set on the gringos. PS the picture was taken the first week of school, yet the article came out last week, we obviously would have not integrated by the first week. Oh well you know the liberally media! It didn’t bother me too much because most of the people I go to school with are really Ecuadorians, they are gringos who actually can speak Spanish, are really rich and snobby, want to live in California and be trendy. I was just happy to get a half page photo! Soooo yea hope all is well back home!
Happy St.Patrick's Day 2 u 2 down south! Love the the blog, love the pic of the guy asleep in front of u on the bus! What an awesome experience for a cool irish lad. you're aunt k would say, you're a rambler you're a gambler, you're a long way from home....take care, kim d.
ReplyDeleteHi Patrick, I usually check your blogs on Monday - am late this week. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring! Phil & I had lunch the other day at the Harbor (D'Angelo's steak and cheese in the truck). Absolutely no activity yet - everyone is still shrinkwrapped and the seagulls are the only living things (besides us old people - not shrinkwrapped yet thank goodness) moving. Phil and I gave up our old nextel phones (6 years old and we were sharing a battery) two weeks ago and got new iphones. We have really no clue and carry the book around with us everywhere but they have text messaging (hard but cool) and a built in ipod. I also got a new mac and will soon enter the world of skype! Gma & Gdad are good. Gma has been doing yardwork when the weather permits and Gdad just got two new pairs of glasses. I gave them a St. Patrick's Day goody bag with some scratch tickets and they won $100! Leigh is happy - took her to Brooks Bros. on Sunday for some new clothes as she starts interviews this Spring for Co-op. She will be working from the end of the summer until the 1st of the year and then back to school. Her sidekick phone drowned Saturday night and she got a Blackberry Bold on Sunday too. We are getting so wired or weird - take your pick! Anyway, as usual LOVE the blogs. Stay safe and keep adventuring! Love, Auntie Maureen